How to Download Al tuo Santo Altar’s Partito PDF for Free

Al tuo Santo Altar is a beautiful Italian hymn that was composed by E. Renoglio in 1963. The lyrics are based on a French song called Haie les Roses, and they express the devotion and love of the faithful to Jesus Christ, who is present in the holy altar.

If you want to learn how to play this hymn on piano or sing along with it, you might be interested in downloading the partito PDF for free. A partito is a musical score that shows the melody and the harmony of a song, as well as the lyrics and the chords.

In this article, we will show you how to download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free from three different sources. We will also give you some background information about the hymn and its meaning.

Source 1:

One of the easiest ways to download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free is to visit the website of Santa Maria del Rosario, a Catholic parish in Rome. They have a section dedicated to liturgical songs, where you can find many PDF files of hymns and chants.

To download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF from this website, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to this link, which will open the PDF file in your browser.
  2. Click on the download icon at the top right corner of the page, or press Ctrl+S on your keyboard.
  3. Choose a location on your computer where you want to save the file, and click on Save.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free from

Source 2: Scribd

Another option to download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free is to use Scribd, a popular online platform for sharing and reading documents. Scribd has a large collection of books, magazines, audiobooks, podcasts, sheet music, and more.

To download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF from Scribd, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Go to this link, which will take you to the document page on Scribd.
  2. Click on the Download button at the bottom right corner of the page, or press Ctrl+P on your keyboard.
  3. Select Save as PDF from the print options, and choose a location on your computer where you want to save the file.
  4. Click on Save.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free from Scribd.

Source 3: Your own device

A third option to download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free is to create your own PDF file using your device. This might be useful if you have access to a digital copy of the hymn, such as an image or a text file.

To download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF from your own device, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the file that contains the hymn on your device, such as an image viewer or a text editor.
  2. Select Print from the menu options, or press Ctrl+P on your keyboard.
  3. Select Save as PDF from the print options, and choose a location on your computer where you want to save the file.
  4. Click on Save.

That’s it! You have successfully downloaded Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free from your own device.

The Meaning of Al tuo Santo Altar

Al tuo Santo Altar is not only a musical piece, but also a prayer that expresses the faith and love of the Catholic Church. The hymn is based on the doctrine of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, which is celebrated on the altar during Mass.

The hymn begins with the words “Al tuo Santo Altar”, which means “To your Holy Altar”. The altar is the place where the bread and wine are consecrated and become the Body and Blood of Christ. The altar is also a symbol of Christ himself, who offered himself as a sacrifice for our salvation.

The hymn continues with the words “mi appresso o Signor”, which means “I approach you, O Lord”. This reflects the attitude of reverence and humility that the faithful should have when they receive Communion. The hymn also expresses the joy and love that the faithful feel for Jesus, who is their Lord, their Savior, and their Friend.

The hymn then says “che scruti il mio cuor”, which means “who scrutinizes my heart”. This reminds us that Jesus knows everything about us, our thoughts, our feelings, our sins, and our needs. He invites us to open our hearts to him and to trust in his mercy and grace.

The hymn ends with the words “salvi il tuo amor”, which means “save me with your love”. This is a plea for forgiveness and salvation from Jesus, who died on the cross for us and rose again. He is the source of our hope and our life.

The History of Al tuo Santo Altar

Al tuo Santo Altar was composed by E. Renoglio in 1963, during the Second Vatican Council. The Council was a major event in the history of the Catholic Church, which aimed to renew its teachings and practices in light of the modern world.

One of the topics that the Council discussed was the liturgy, or the public worship of the Church. The Council encouraged a more active participation of the faithful in the liturgy, as well as a more diverse use of languages and music. The Council also promoted a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Eucharist, which is “the source and summit of the Christian life”. [4]

Al tuo Santo Altar was one of the hymns that emerged from this liturgical renewal. It was written in Italian, which is one of the vernacular languages that were allowed to be used in Mass after the Council. It was also composed in a simple and melodic style, which made it easy to sing and remember.

Al tuo Santo Altar became popular among many Catholics, especially in Italy and other countries where Italian is spoken. It was also translated into other languages, such as English, Spanish, French, and German. It was often sung during Masses, especially during Communion or Adoration.

How to Play Al tuo Santo Altar on Piano

Al tuo Santo Altar is a hymn that can be played on piano with or without singing. The melody is simple and easy to follow, and the harmony consists of basic chords that can be played with the left hand.

If you want to play Al tuo Santo Altar on piano, you need to have a copy of the partito PDF that shows the notes and the chords. You can download it for free from one of the sources that we mentioned in the previous sections.

Once you have the partito PDF, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Look at the key signature and the time signature of the hymn. The key signature tells you which notes are sharp or flat in the scale, and the time signature tells you how many beats are in each measure. Al tuo Santo Altar is in C major, which has no sharps or flats, and has a 4/4 time signature, which means four beats per measure.
  2. Look at the melody line and identify the notes and the rhythms. The melody line is usually written on the top staff with a treble clef. The notes are named after the letters A to G, and their position on the staff indicates their pitch. The rhythms are indicated by the shape and length of the notes, such as whole notes, half notes, quarter notes, etc.
  3. Look at the chord symbols and identify the chords and their inversions. The chord symbols are usually written above the melody line with capital letters and numbers. The letters indicate the root note of the chord, such as C, D, E, etc., and the numbers indicate the type and quality of the chord, such as major, minor, diminished, etc. The inversions are indicated by slashes and letters that show which note is in the bass, such as C/E, D/F#, etc.
  4. Play the melody with your right hand and the chords with your left hand on your piano keyboard. You can use your fingers to play single notes or intervals for the melody, and use your thumb, index finger, and pinky to play triads or seventh chords for the harmony. You can also use different inversions of the chords to create smoother transitions between them.
  5. Practice playing along with a metronome or a backing track to keep a steady tempo and rhythm. You can also sing along with the lyrics if you want to.

That’s it! You have learned how to play Al tuo Santo Altar on piano.

How to Sing Al tuo Santo Altar

Al tuo Santo Altar is a hymn that can be sung by soloists or choirs in different languages. The lyrics are based on a French song called Haie les Roses, but they have been translated into Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, and other languages.

If you want to sing Al tuo Santo Altar, you need to have a copy of the partito PDF that shows the lyrics and the melody. You can download it for free from one of the sources that we mentioned in the previous sections.

Once you have the partito PDF, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose which language you want to sing in. You can find different versions of the lyrics online or in hymn books. Make sure you understand the meaning and pronunciation of each word.
  2. Look at the melody line and identify the notes and their pitch. The melody line is usually written on the top staff with a treble clef. The notes are named after the letters A to G, and their position on the staff indicates their pitch. You can use a piano or a tuner to help you find your starting note.
  3. Look at the lyrics and match them with their corresponding notes. The lyrics are usually written below or above the melody line with syllables or words. Each syllable or word should be sung with one note or more depending on its length.
  4. Sing along with a recording or a backing track to practice your intonation and expression. You can also sing along with other singers if you want to harmonize or create different parts.
  5. Practice singing with proper breathing and vocal technique to avoid strain or injury. You can also use vocal exercises or warm-ups to improve your range, tone, and flexibility.

That’s it! You have learned how to sing Al tuo Santo Altar.


Al tuo Santo Altar is a beautiful and meaningful hymn that celebrates the Eucharist and the love of Jesus Christ. It is a hymn that can be enjoyed by anyone who wants to play it on piano or sing it in different languages.

In this article, we have shown you how to download Al tuo Santo Altar’s partito PDF for free from three different sources. We have also shown you how to play it on piano and how to sing it with proper technique and expression.

We hope that this article has been useful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading and have a blessed day!
