All-inclusive content strategies
Influencer casting and placement
Event on-site engagement support
Creative influencer experiences
Ongoing UGC creation and promotion
Brand consulting and training services

New media has changed the way people live, and users spend an average of 10Working with influencers on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Douyin, Xiaohongshu and Taobao Live for the influencers themselves. Provide full social media representation for our influencer clients, helping them to work with brands and ensuring influencer receive “proper” compensation.

Wide user base

As of May 2018, the number of users of Xiaohongshu exceeded 100 million active users by more than 30 million, and the number of daily notes of Xiaohongshu reached 1.4 billion.

Diverse user groups

More than 70% of women, aged between 18 and 30 years old, are mostly students and white-collar workers, of which 50% are users in first-tier cities.

Content Feeding Marketing

User generated content (UGC) is a modern-day digital word-of-mouth situation that benefits both brands and consumers. It’s a win-win scenario and a marketing tactic that brands can incredibly benefit from.


Why should you use UGC as part of your marketing strategy?

Audience does much of the work for you,Higher conversion rate,Reliability,Increasing your reach on social media,Authenticity,Audience,Insights/ Feedback,Unique content & Unique positioning

KOL Content Creation

GC (User Generated Content) is a popular word in recent years. In the era of this information explosion, the content of creation and promotion has become a simple task. The content created by Net Red is not produced by Hollywood, but it is more real and more attractive to users.


Social Platform Management

Content Marketing One of the indispensable ones is the social account of the brand itself. Users will learn about the status of a brand through social accounts, public numbers, and so on. For new editions, social accounts are even more important because the user’s confidence and impression of the brand is accumulated from all sides.

KOL Content Category

Graphic sharing

Simple post, including text and images, short creation time and fast flow

Video clip

Movies are more interesting and attractive than words and photos.

live streaming

Fans can interact directly with KOL and help with quick sales.

KOL data analysis

In a massive way, the social media posts are shared by amateurs or micro-networks, and the virus spreads quickly and effectively.

Latest News

Articles on the latest promotion guidance of the Chinese market Xiaohongshu WeChat Weibo

Business enquiry

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The Ten Commandments Of 6

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